The pissed off man of the people, getting angry about Brown's Britain on your behalf
I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the way this country's going. The land of Shakespeare, Bergerac and Greene King IPA has been reduced to the sick man of Europe and the laughing stock of the world, held down by barmy town council bureaucrats and buggered senseless by Brown and Darling's mismanagement of the economy.
You can't even go out to the local pub for a pint of ale without wading through pools of recently spewed dole scum vomit, and have to put your fingers in your ears to drown out the harrowing din caused by a lethal cocktail of expletive strewn excrement bellowed by burly shaved headed thugs, tinny terrible 'rap' music played loudly on mobile phones by aggressive urban types, and the wailing of semi-feral babies, neglected by their 15 year old parents, who are too busy downing lurid multicoloured alcoholic drinks and fellating dockers to care.
And who do I blame? One man: Gordon Brown. It's all his fault.

And Alastair Darling, of course. Mandelson, too. Prescott, he was probably involved too, and that fucking David Milliband with his stupid duck hair.
Who else? Jonathan Ross, probably. Russell Brand, definitely. Robert Mugabe? Not sure.
And that bloody Elton John.
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