An appeal on behalf of the Jack Tweed Memorial Fund ("Tweed Need"), by Jack Tweed
Not many people realise how many Jack Tweeds are potentially out there, in need of help. Who knows the true number of young men called Jack Tweed there are, all needing financial and moral support after the loss of their dear Jade?
Please don't think this is all about me, it isn't. I'm just the most well known Jack Tweed, so people often mistakenly assume I'm the only handsome young charmer who lit up Jade Goody's life, but was left without any money in her will. But many more Jack Tweeds are out there, suffering in silence.
Many have written to me to thank me for being the first person to highlight their plight. I also heard somewhere that I've caused a 150% upturn in young men going to the doctors to check if they're Jack Tweed as well.
I'm just happy to be doing my bit, but we all need to do much more. If the entire country gives just £4.99 each week, we can ensure that no Jack Tweed need ever work again.
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