By Peter Cunnah, former lead singer of D:Ream
Come on guys, what happened to always having a p.m.a about life? Didn't I tell you all in my 1993-penned hit Things Can Only Get Better, that things could only get better?
And I still believe it's true, perhaps even more so today than back then, when I was just 28 and a bit of a dreamer. Now, I know it's true.
The words I said then are still true, for one: You can still walk my path, and undoubtedly still wear my shoes. You could still Let her talk like me, but, for reasons I'd rather not go into here and now, I'd rather you didn't. Let's just leave it at that. Rest assured, though, you can still be an angel too, for all I know, (Sorry, I'm not a deity, no matter what Boyz magazine might say to the contrary!)
This next verse is still as true today as it was in 1994, which if you think about is so long ago it's even years before Jordan's baby Harvey was born, and he's MASSIVE.

But maybe
You ain't never gonna feel this way
You ain't never gonna know me
But I know you
Teach you now that
Things can only get better
Can only get, can only get
They get on from here
You know, I know that
Things can only get better

I could go on, but I've just looked the song up on the net and realised quite how long it is, and how banal. Suffice to say that everyone should just keep their chin up, and not lose sight of the message of my uplifting anthem, that rocked the world in both 94 and 97. Yeah, so Tony Blair was a bit of a nob, but come on, guys - have you seen the latest episodes of Gossip Girl? And the Sex and the City girls are back! We can only go upwards from here!
I sometimes lose myself in me
I lose track of time
And I can't see the woods for the trees
You set 'em alight, burning the bridges as you go
I'm too weak to fight you
I got my personal health to deal with
And you say
Walk my path
Wear my shoes
Talk like that
I'll be an angel and
Things can only get better
Can only get better
Now I've found you
Things can only get better
Can only get better
Now I've found you
And you and you
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