Monday April 13th, 11.13am
I was just at the store getting some sodas when who should I see looking at magazines but Lisa Hames and that Cara Macey girl. I didn't know what to do, because I wanted to just ignore her and maybe try the whole Batman Begins thing one more time, for me as much as anyone, but I don't want her to be calling me childish or any shit like that if I walk away. But then I got to thinking about how they would still say stuff about me after I left anyway, and I didn't want that.
Even if I went with them somewhere, which was highly unlikely, there'd still inevitably be a time where I was no longer with them. Even if I managed to hang around until one of them left the other, which was starting to sound a little lame and creepy, they could still call each other on the phone later. Just thinking about it all was making me feel shitty. I was already at the sodas, so I took a real long time choosing, even though I already KNEW I wanted a Mug root beer, as I figured that she hadn't seen me yet, and there was nothing wrong with just being right there, looking for soda. As long as I was doing that, I would be OK.
But they were there reading magazines for AGES, and I started to feel like I was being suspicious hanging around the fridges for so long, and I think I saw the Asian dude at the till clocking me a couple of times. Then just as I'm facing the inevitable and going over to talk to those two, (which was unavoidable as the magazines are right by the till), who should say hi but Chrissy Peterson!
Chrissy Peterson is my cousin James' girlfriend, who he's been dating for like, ever. She's about 22 and hot. Anyway, we got to talking and JUST THEN who do I see looking over but Lisa?! I'm shooting the shit with a hot older chick who for all she knows I could be boning! And I'm carrying sodas! If I was any cooler, Vin Diesel would have to sue!
Anyway, Lisa and her friend soon left, and me and Chrissy actually had totally nothing to say, and it was almost awkward. But I didn't care. I had had my fun. Sometimes, not often or nothing, life doesn't totally suck.
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