Friday 10th April, 10.12 pm
I do not understand girls. At all. I went out tonight on what was supposed to be a kind of double date. Except it wasn't, it was just a single date. With two extra people. Jake has been sorta seeing this chick, Amy Bettinson, and she's got this hot friend Lisa Hames. Well, I thought she was hot until I realised she was just a snobby bitch. A hot, snobby bitch.
Anyways, the idea was supposed to be that we all go out for dinner and a movie, Jake and Amy and me and this Lisa. It was kind of talked about like a double date, but at the same time it wasn't officially, it was just like we were both going to be there, hanging out at the same time. Obviously I wanted something to happen between us, and we could start dating and then boning.
But I never really thought about how that was going to happen, I just thought it would fall into place. But straightaway at the restaurant (Lobster Shack at the mall), it was like there was nothing between us. It was like she hardly even acknowledged I was there, and then when she did, she was kind of friendly but also kinda sarcastic and snotty, making these little references that she thought were going over my head but just made her sound like a moron.
So then I'm getting kinda pissed off but I'm trying to keep my cool, and show her what a cool dude I can be, sitting there just brooding intensely, not saying anything, just picking at a roll and nodding blankly at conversation. I wasn't being childish or nothing, I thought maybe actually she'd appreciate this new darker side to me, like Batman Begins or something. I'm kind of getting to thinking that my ice cold reserve and mellow intensity might be getting to her, and I'm getting really self conscious out of the corner of my right eye, and then suddenly out of nowhere she tells me to stop being grumpy and to grow up! Then I really was mad, and I had to pretend I wasn't because she had me over a barrel! Why does this shit always happen to me?
What lame shit, man. I ended up eating a whole KFC bucket on the way home and told some car that beeped me to bite me. Everything sucks.
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